Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kindergarten Graduated into First grade!

Wow! Cody has graduated Kindergarten and is now heading into first grade. We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Ekker but excited to meet Mrs Bali. It was a fantastic Kindergarten year and Cody has done amazingly well.
Parker starts Pre-School this year with Miss Kristy, Yup the same teacher Cody had. (My choice) He is excited yet sad because he will not be able to ride the bus. We still need to figure out his second year of pre-school that is still in the process of elimination since his allergies are so severe he is being declined left right and center.
Emily is almost 6 months old and doing great. Growing like a weed and already exceeding her milestones and rolling over and even a small attempt at crawling. She babbles constantly with her brothers and loves to chew on there fingers.

We just invested in a camp trailer (caravan) and went onour first weekend vacation to Marysvale UT, We had a great deal of fun even when Cody fell out of the bunk bed and landed right on top of me. That is as much of an update that I have at this time so have a great day and I will update as soon time allows.

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